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On Air Advertising

There are evident facts that prove Qabayan Radio's high potential reach to intended Filipino community and other English-speaking nationals in the country. These include:

  • Filipinos are the 5th highest population in the country.

  • Filipinos are music lovers.

  • Filipinos are sociables, hence they are among the most active social media users.

  • English is the second dominantly spoken and understood language by Filipinos. As a matter of fact, English is the official language of the Philippine government in all its communications. Hence, Qabayan Radio's music playlists and programming are dominantly in English. 

  • Most importantly, Qabayan Radio is the first and only Filipino radio station in Qatar, hence it is the best medium to place on air advertising intended to Filipino community market.

Radio Advertising Packages

  • Standard Radio Commercial

  • Live Mentions or Recorded As Live

  • Time Check Sponsorship (Live & Automated)

  • Songs Sponsorship (Live & Automated)

  • Radio Program Sponsorship

  • Radio Segment Sponsorship

  • Branded On Air Games/Contest

  • Radio Guesting

  • Block Timing

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