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UAP Qatar Chapter inaugurates new BODs for FY 2021-2022

“A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others”- John C. Maxwell.
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”- Bill Gates.

The inauguration of the new Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2021-2022 of the United Architects of the Philippines-Qatar Chapter (UAP-QA) that took place on the 2nd day of July 2021 marks the traditional yet new normal turn-over of duties and responsibilities. In line with the event is the induction rites of the new committee heads, committee members and new chapter members which were hugely participated in by the inductees as a sign of their keenness to assist the BOD and serve the general membership. The gesture of event participation only shows the inspiring spirit of camaraderie in this UAP QA Chapter Fiscal Year 2021-2022, an outcome that signifies that the event has been successful.

Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, UAP

Chapter President

Ar. Janel S. Hipolito, UAP

Vice President Programs & Development

Ar. Jayson Z. Santos, UAP

Vice President Operations

Ar. Kathleen B. Osio, UAP

Chapter Secretary

Ar. Leah DC. Bianan, UAP

Chapter Treasurer

Ar. Melani S. Ramos, UAP

Chapter Auditor

Ar. Carmelita G. Flores, UAP

Director - Professional Development

Ar. Maria Michaela A. Pasiona, UAP

Director - Internal Affairs

Ar. Ferdinand Magpantay

Director- External and Governmental Affairs

Ar. Melanie V. Sandicho, UAP

Director - Professional Practice

Ar. Joan P. De Guzman, UAP

Director - Education Arkitekturang Filipino

Important highlights of the first part of the program were the Welcome Remarks by Outgoing Chapter Auditor Ar. Kriz Samed Quiogue, uap; the Acknowledgment of Guests by Outgoing Chapter Secretary Ar. Farrahnel delos Reyes, uap; Introduction of the Guest Speaker by Outgoing Chapter Treasurer Ar. Roberto C. Santiano, uap and the introduction of Keynote Speaker by Chapter Vice President for Programs and Development Ar. Janel S. Hipolito, uap. The Guest Speaker was PPO-Q Chairman Engr. Adonis Q. Talabo and the Keynote Speaker was none other than Labor Attache Hon. Adam A. Musa, of the POLO OWWA Qatar.

The second part of the program started with the Valedictory Address by UAP Qatar Chapter Outgoing President Ar. Mario Herman M. Macaranas, uap. After the address, the New Chapter Officers were then presented to the National President by Secretary- General Ar. Jonathan V. Manalad, uap which was then promptly followed by the Charging of New Chapter Officers. Finally, the officers were then inducted into office by UAP National President Ar. Armando Eugene C. De Guzman III, fuap. The Chapter Board of Directors are composed of the following; President Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, uap; Vice President for Programs and Development Ar. Janel S. Hipolito, uap; Vice President for Operations Ar. Jayson Z. Santos, uap; Secretary Ar. Kathleen B. Osio-Arevalo, uap; Treasurer Ar. Leah DC. Bianan, uap; Auditor Ar. Melani S. Ramos, uap; Director for Continuing Professional Development Ar. Carmelita G. Flores, uap; Director for Internal Affairs Ar. Maria Michaela A. Pasiona, uap; Director for External & Governmental Affairs Ar. Ferdinand R. Magpantay, uap; Director for Professional Practice Ar. Melanie V. Sandicho, uap; and Director for Education/ Arkitekturang Filipino Ar. Joan P. De Guzman, uap.

The Regional District A4 Director Ar. Markel Cesar A. Luna, fuap on the other hand, presided over the Turn-over of Gavel and Acceptance ceremony between Outgoing Chapter President Ar. Mario Herman M. Macaranas, uap, and Incoming Chapter President Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, uap.

Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, uap, incoming President of UAP-QA Chapter

The Induction Rites and Turn-over Ceremonies will not be complete without the inaugural address- an inspirational and promising speech from the new Chapter President Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, being the first-ever transfer member to be elected as UAP QA Chapter President and the 9th among the list of the Chapter Presidents of the UAP Qatar so far. For his visions to become a reality, the new Chapter President enjoins the help of all members to support the BOD of the UAP Qatar Chapter Fiscal Year 2021-2022. He outlined more of his Fiscal Year agenda to focus on programs and plans that will respond and help realize the full potential of the Architects as professionals. By having programs and plans that will help the Architects to increase their income potential, provides them opportunities for promotion in their respective workplaces and gives them access to upgrading the professional credentials of the Architects. Ar. Marvin Tejada appealed to the Chapter members to support the UAP National corporate thrust where all members are genuinely first in the agenda of governance with closer involvement and interaction in the articulation of policies and programs that are responsive and geared towards membership welfare, professional development needs and improvement of the Architect’s professional practice.

On the third part of the program are the Induction Rites of the Committee Heads, Committee Members and the New Chapter Members which were presented by the Chapter Secretary Ar. Kathleen B. Osio-Arevalo, uap. The Charging Rites were officiated by the Chapter Vice President for Programs and Development Ar. Janel S. Hipolito, uap, which was followed afterward by Induction of New Members officiated by Chapter President Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, uap. The last part of the program is the testimonial, inspirational messages by the Distinguished Guests, and closing ceremonies. Chapter Treasurer Ar. Leah DC. Bianan, uap introduced the Regional District A4 Director Ar. Markel Cesar A. Luna, fuap to give his special inspirational message. Chapter Secretary Ar. Kathleen Osio-Arevalo, uap on the other hand, introduced UAP Past National President Ar. Benjamin K. Panganiban Jr., fuap for his message. Meanwhile, Chapter Vice President for Operations Ar. Jayson Z. Santos, uap introduced UAP National Secretary-General Ar. Jonathan V. Manalad, uap to give his inspirational talk. The UAP National Executive Vice President Ar. Richard M. Garcia, fuap was introduced by the Chapter Vice President for Programs and Development Ar. Janel S. Hipolito, uap for another inspirational message.

And finally, the Guest of Honor UAP National President Ar. Armando Eugene C. De Guzman III, fuap was introduced by the Chapter President Ar. Marvin M. Tejada, uap for his very important organizational address. The Chapter President read the recognition and presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the UAP National Board of Directors, along with the UAP Past National President and the Regional District A4 Director. After which, the Video Montage showcasing UAP Qatar Chapter through the years with previous chapter BOD’s, committees and members is played through the Zoom screen. Also, the Chapter President read the citation and presentation of certificate of appreciation to UAP Qatar Chapter COMELEC and the UAP Qatar Chapter Board of Directors FY 2020-2021 for their meritorious service to the Chapter.

UAP Qatar Chapter Membership Care Committee Head Ar. Dawne Rosario G. Brown, uap was provided a slot to announce their upcoming activities in relation to membership care concerns. Pictorials with the Distinguished Guests, Architects, Members, and Participants followed. Then, the closing remarks were delivered by none other than the UAP Qatar Chapter Vice President for Operations Ar. Jayson Z. Santos, uap prior to the program closes.

In this Fiscal Year 2021-2022, we are expecting immense changes for the UAP Qatar Chapter. The New Chapter Board of Directors made it their primary thrust to unfailingly put members first to help them progress and succeed. The main theme that emanated from the Induction Rites and Turnover Ceremonies is that a great leader should be a good listener and adequately impart all the knowledge that his members need. With new and fresh faces in the Chapter Board of Directors and committees, we are looking forward to a new era of great leaders. Henceforth, may we amplify our Chapter Board of Director's missions and visions for the United Architects of the Philippines-Qatar Chapter (UAP-QA). Mabuhay ang Arkitektong Filipino! God bless us all.



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